The Scrum Master Recovery Plan

Why Scrum Masters need to be more Product Owner

Hello everyone

I hope you don’t mind an extra newsletter this week…sorry for the inbox overload. However I wrote a pretty long and important post and thought you might find it interesting so didn’t want you to miss out.

I won’t paste it here because it’s longer than normal so I’ll just give you an overview and if you want to read it in full then you can find a link at the bottom.

You’ve probably noticed a bit of negativity around the Scrum Master role recently. Well there is a little truth to that (probably not as much as you’ve read but that’s the social media world we live in).

There are three key reasons behind this:

  1. The high number of surface-level Scrum Masters;

  2. The surprisingly resilient immune system of our organisations

  3. The pandemic

And I have a plan to restore the rightful credibility to this amazing role…

My Scrum Master Recovery Plan

Scrum Masters need to be more Product Owner!

…because you’re worth it

And if you’re struggling to get the respect and have the impact you want, I have a new one-day online workshop to help you Amplify Your Impact.