I've Got a Problem, Can you Help Me?

What You Ask Makes A Big Difference

I’ve got a problem, can you help me?

When you read that question, how inclined are you to do something?

Are you more or less inclined than if I had written

“I’d like you to do something for me”?

Interestingly a simple and subtle change in the question can dramatically increase the chances of someone taking action.

People don’t like to feel put upon but they DO like to help.

So if you’re looking to get someone on board, give them the opportunity to help you rather than impose anything on them.

OK…so here’s where I need your help…

I’m experimenting with a new idea…something quite radical really

(What’s new Geoff?! I hear you say)

And I want your help to know if it could work.

The problem I have is I don’t know if I have explained my idea well.

So what I really need your help with is:

  1. Read this PDF (should only take 90 seconds)

  2. Let me know what questions you have about it so I know if I’ve explained it well.

  3. Pass it on to two people who you think might be interested.

Of course…if you think this might be something you personally are interested in and you would like to be an exclusive part of my pilot group then please let me know and we can chat.

I know I can count on you…or the cat gets it!
